This is a shitty post
Hello to the wonderful world. Today I submitted a little clip of why integrity was important to me. I don't feel that I did an adequate job. This is the story of my life. None of my work is ever perfect and it extremely annoys me and I'm still learning to live with it. Becoming increasingly self-aware is rough and I don't know if I'm going to be able to use this self-awareness to become a really awesome person, or if I'm just going to spiral into a deep depression for never feeling "good enough." This is a more accurate version of how I feel about integrity than the video snippet I came up with. In other words, I have really high standards for myself and this has pros and cons. I don't always meet the standards, so that can make me depressed. When I do meet the standards, I end up making new ones with loftier goals and never really feel good about having met the standards. Mostly I never feel like I meet the standards. For instance, to me, th...